4.57 goes on a number line a little more than halfway between 4 and 5.
Yes, 457 is an odd number.
Where to put 0.311 in a number line
It IS on a Number Line. Set of Integers.
you put a dash where the correct number is.
Any number that you can put on the number line is real.
The factors of 457 are: 1 457 (457 is a prime number )
Yes, 457 is an odd number.
None. 457 is a prime number.
457 is prime. It is only evenly divisible by itself and one.
Put 8.98 a little to the left of the number 9 on the number line.
Where to put 0.311 in a number line
It IS on a Number Line. Set of Integers.
you put a dash where the correct number is.
457 '4' ; hundred ( as four hundred) '5' ; Tens ( as Fifty) '7' ; Units ( as just plain seven).
you put a dot on the number.