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Well, first you look at the whole number, and put it order like that. Then you look at the fraction. It's pretty simple, all you have to do is convert the denominator to the same number. Say if you were comparing 1/3 and 3/4, a common factor between 3 and 4 would be 12. So you did 3x4 to get 12, and whatever you do to the bottom you have to do to the top. So 3x3 is 9. It would end up being 4/12 and 9/12. then you just look at the top number, 9 is bigger than 4 so the greater fraction would be 3/4. Hope that helped

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Q: How do you put mixed fractions in order?
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Yes, mixed fractions are rational

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 Put fractions in decimal form. That way it is much easier to compare and order them.

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It is a process by which the product of mixed fractions is calculated.

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convert fractions to decimal then just compare them,and then put them in order!:)

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Mixed fractions can be converted into improper fractions then changed back to a mixed number.

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It is the same as dividing two positive mixed fractions except that at the end of it all, you put a negative sign in front.

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Mixed fractions can't become whole numbers.

How can you explain putting fraction in order?

You cannot put a single fraction is order. A number of fractions can be put in order, usually from the smallest to the largest.