Example 7/30 + 11/42
Find the LCM of 30 and 42.
Factor them.
2 x 3 x 5 = 30
2 x 3 x 7 = 42
Combine the factors, eliminating duplicates.
2 x 3 x 5 x 7 = 210, the LCM
Convert the fractions to common denominators.
49/210 + 55/210 = 104/210 or 52/105
The LCM refers to integers, not fractions.
The HCF helps when reducing fractions. The LCM helps when adding or subtracting fractions.
When adding fractions, you want to make sure that the denominators are the same. It's the same process as the LCM.
The HCF helps in simplifying fractions and the LCM helps in finding the lowest common denominator in fractions
When adding or subtracting fractions with different denominators their lowest common denominator must be found first by using the LCM of their denominators
Finding the LCM will make adding and subtracting fractions easier.
Anything having to do with adding or subtracting unlike fractions.
Finding the GCF will help in simplifying fractions. Finding the LCM will help in adding and subtracting fractions.
The LCD of two fractions is the same as the LCM of their denominators.
The LCM refers to integers, not fractions.
Problems involving the addition and subtraction of unlike fractions.
Finding the LCM helps you add and subtract fractions accurately.
The HCF helps when reducing fractions. The LCM helps when adding or subtracting fractions.
The LCM is used for integers, not fractions. If you're trying to add unlike fractions, take the LCM of the denominators (known in this case as the least common denominator, or LCD), convert the fractions and proceed.
The LCM is used to convert unlike rational fraction to like fractions so that they can be added or subtracted. Any common multiple will do so the LCM is not that important. However, using the LCM will ensure that the numbers that you have to deal with are as small as they can be.