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Rotating a figure 270 degrees is like rotating the figure to the left 90 degrees. I am not sure what formula or rule you use.

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Q: How do you rotate a figure 270 degrees?
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How do you rotate a figure 270 degrees clockwise about origin?

You dont, its just 90 degrees 3 times..

Rotate do you rotate a figure 270 degrees counterclockwise?

270 degrees is 3/4 of the way around the circle. Ir is the same as rotating it 90 degrees (1/4) of the way clockwise. Turn it so anything that was pointing straight up would be pointing to the right.

How do you rotate a figure 270 degrees clockwise around the origin?

Move it 3 times* * * * *or once in the anti-clockwise direction.

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A) Rotate 360 degrees counterclockwise, then shift 1 unit up. B) Rotate 180 degrees counterclockwise, then shift 1 unit down. C)Rotate 90 degrees counterclockwise, then shift 1 unit up. D) Rotate 270 degrees counterclockwise, then shift 1 unit down.

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270 degrees

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Multiply it by the identity matrix.

How do you rotate 270 degrees about origin?

You rotate everything to the left, 3/4 of a full turn.As an example of the result, the positive x-axis winds uppointing down from the origin.

How do you rotate a figure 180 degrees clockwise?

multiply the coordinates by -1.

How do you rotate a figure 180 degrees clockwise about origin?

To rotate a figure 180 degrees clockwise about the origin you need to take all of the coordinates of the figure and change the sign of the x-coordinates to the opposite sign(positive to negative or negative to positive). You then do the same with the y-coordinates and plot the resulting coordinates to get your rotated figure.

How do you rotate a figure 90 degrees?

the answer would be 180 degrease and if you don't believe me go on another website...