

How do you solve 2 y 32?

Updated: 12/18/2022
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8y ago

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If you mean: 2y = 32 then the solution is y = 16

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Q: How do you solve 2 y 32?
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(8 - √32) and (8 + √32), which are approximately 2.343 and 13.657.Let x be one number and y the other. So you have 2 equations with 2 unknowns:(1) x * y = 32(2) x + y = 16Rearranging (2) for y to get y=16-x. Now substitute this expression into equation (1):x * (16 - x) = 3216x - x2 = 32x2 - 16x + 32 = 0Then solve the quadratic formula:x = ( 16 ± √((-16)2 - 4 x 32) ) / 2= ( 16 ± √(256 - 128) ) / 2= ( 16 ± √128) / 2= 8 ± √32If we consider x = 8 + √32:y = 16 - x = 16 - (8 + √32) = 16 - 8 - √32y = 8 - √32and vice-versa.

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29 degrees Let x represent the number of degrees of the smaller angle and y the number of degrees of the larger angle. Because the angles are complementary, x+y=90. From the problem, x=y-32. Now solve the equations by substituting x from the second into the first: y-32+y=90 2y-32=90 2y=90+32=122 y=122/2=61 x=y-32=61-32=29

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