You cannot solve a single linear equation in two variables, x and y. You need two independent equations.
Without an equality sign it is not an equation
Standard Form
It depends on what you are calling "standard form". 2x = 7 can be solved, but it is a standard form of an algebraic equation.
standard form
The standard form is 7x + 2y - 3 = 0
Without an equality sign it is not an equation
Solve the standard form for the dependent variable, commonly 'y'.
A single linear equation in two variables cannot be solved: you need two independent equations.
Standard Form
Standard form is y=mx+by=3x+5 is already in standard form.
It depends on what you are calling "standard form". 2x = 7 can be solved, but it is a standard form of an algebraic equation.
Solve the equation for ' y '.
standard form
The standard form is 7x + 2y - 3 = 0
The standard form is 3x + 8y + 4 = 0
It is an expression in two variable: it is NOT an equation. There is no standard form for expressions.