There is nothing to "solve". You can evaluate the expression when each of a, b and c are TRUE or FALSE. But that is not solving.
The answer depends on whether you mean A intersecting (B union C) or (A intersecting B) union C.
p=b+3a+c p-3a-c=b+3a-3a+c-c p-3a-c=b b=p-3a-c
To solve this you need more information about the relationship between a, b and c.
1/x=c+1/b, solve for x x=c+b/1
The four main math operators are the subtraction (-), addition (+), multiplication (x or *) and division (÷ or /).Subtraction : A - B = C, where A is the minuend, B is the subtrahend, and C is the differenceAddition: A + B = C, where A and B are the addends, and C is the sumMultiplication: A x B = C, where A and B are the factors, and C is the productDivision sign: A ÷ B = C, where A is the dividend, B is the divisor, and C is the quotient.Note: the items to be multiplied are also referred as Multiplicand x Multiplier = Product. See related link.
Yes, a&b|c&d means (a&b)|(c&d), just like a&&bc&&d means (a&&b)(c&&d)
All arithmetic, logical operators are operators in c tokens. As: +, - , ++, --, %, &&, &, >>, << etc.
There are three logical operators in C; AND (&), OR (|), and NOT (^). These are the bitwise versions. The combinatorial versions are &&, , and !.
c have different types of operations are there these are 1:logical operators 2:conditional 3:arithmetic 4:bit wise operators 5:increment&decrement 6:relational operators 7:assignment operators 8:special operators we can use above operators. we can implementing the operations. suppose logical operators &&,,! by using these we can implement operations
If: a = b+c+d Then: c = a-b-d
ax - b = c ax = b + c x = (b + c)/a
Precedence rules specify priority of operators (which operators will be evaluated first, e.g. multiplication has higher precedence than addition, PEMDAS).The associativity rules tell how the operators of same precedence are grouped. Arithmetic operators are left-associative, but the assignment is right associative (e.g. a = b = c will be evaluated as b = c, a = b).
The preference in which arithematic operations are performed in an arithematic expression is called as Hierarchy of operations.Its very important in C Programming to predefine the Hierarchy of operations to the C compiler in order to solve the given arithematic expression correctly.e.g.: If a programmer wishes to perform ,z=a+b/c;it may beinterpretedas z=(a+b)/c or z=a+(b/c).and if a=3,b=6,c=2 then using the same expression we will obtain two differentanswersas z=4.5 or z=6.To avoid this condition we must be aware of hierarchy of operations used in C programming.In arithematic expressions scanning is always done from left to right.The priority of operations is as shown below,PriorityOperatorsFirstParenthesisos brackets()SecondMultiplication & DivisionThirdAddition & SubtractionFourthAssignment i.e.=If we consider the logical operators used in C language,the operator precedence will be like;OperatorsType!Logical NOT* / %Arithmetic and moulus+ -AritmeticRelational== !=Relational&&Logical ANDLogical OR=AssignmentIn the tables above,the higher the position of an operator,higher is its priority.
They are very similar,but when we do logic operators there are still some differences.In c or c plus plus ,logic true can be expressed as'true' or '0',but in java,true is just 'true'.If you gave a zero,it will treat it as type of integer ,and so as false.
If: a = 2b+c Then: a-c = 2b And: b = (a-c)/2
R = (A > B && A > C) ? A : (B > C) ? B : C; // parentheses not necessary - for clarity only
The answer depends on whether you mean A intersecting (B union C) or (A intersecting B) union C.