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There are a few ways to do it, i think. for a 3x3 board you go diagonaly up, then over right one.

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Q: How do you solve a Magic word square?
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3x3 magic square 25 total

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Can you solve a magic square with the sum of 66?

Yes, it is not that difficult.

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A normal 3x3 magic square has a sum of 15. So you subtract 3 from each number in the square.

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use the inverse square method, it works the fastest

How do you solve a magic square?

all verticals, horazontals and diagonals must add up to one common number

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you just use internet cheats! its that simple

How do you solve a 4x4 magic square?

It's not possible. I've been trying for 27 years, and all my research points to it being impossible. GIve up now before you waste your entire life on a magic square.

How do you solve magic square 3x3 where the answer is -6?

Every number you put in it must add up to 15 vertically, horizontally and diagonally.

How do you solve this 3x3 magic square problem with decimals?

To solve a 3x3 magic square with decimals, you need to ensure that the sum of numbers in each row, column, and diagonal is equal. Start by placing the decimal numbers in a way that each row, column, and diagonal sums up to the same value. Adjust the numbers carefully to achieve a valid solution.

How can you solve a magic square that equals 12 with numbers 1-9?

Yes. 7+5, 6+6 4+8, 3+9

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