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Every number you put in it must add up to 15 vertically, horizontally and diagonally.

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Q: How do you solve magic square 3x3 where the answer is -6?
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How do you solve a 3x3 magic square with the sum of 6?

A normal 3x3 magic square has a sum of 15. So you subtract 3 from each number in the square.

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[ 9 ] [ 1 ] [ 6 ] [ 3 ] [ 5 ] [ 7 ] [ 4 ] [ 9 ] [ 2 ]

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3x3 magic square using negative numbers?

[ -8 ] [ -1 ] [ -6 ][ -3 ] [ -5 ] [ -7 ][ -4 ] [ -9 ] [ -2 ]The sum of each row, column, and diagonal is -15.

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Yes. 7+5, 6+6 4+8, 3+9

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54 square metres 3x3=9 square metres 6 faces of 9 square metres each 9x6=54

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There are 36 unique quadrilaterals in a 3x3 square grid: 14 squares = 9 (1x1) 4 (2x2) 1 (3x3) 22 rectangles = 6 (1x2) 6 (2x1) 6 (3x3) 2 (2x3) 2 (3x2) (the total number of quadrilaterals formed by 3 x 3 pin sets will be larger, i.e. 78)

What is the surface a rea of a cube that is 3 cm on all sides?

6 side of 3x3 makes 54 square cm.

Can you put the digits 1-9 in a square so that every row column add diagonaly add up to 15?


What is 3 cubed - 3 squared divided by 3-3x3?

(3x3x3 - 3x3)/(3 - 3x3) = (27-9)/(3-9) = 18/(-6) = -3 if you mean: 3x3x3 - (3x3)/(3 - 3x3) = 27 - 9/(-6) = 28 1/2