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In the case of an inequality, if you mulitply by a negative number, you have to reverse the direction of the inequality.


-x < 10


x > -10

(Here, I multiplied by -1, and simultaneously reversed the direction of the inequality.)

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Q: How do you solve an inequality if you are left with a negative variable?
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When the variable is on the left of the inequality symbol is represented by an open circle and a ray going to the right?

how the hell should i know

How do you solve a quadratic equation on a TI-84?

Press MATH. Then go down to the last option, which says "Solver...". Press Enter. If you do not see "eqn:0=" then press the up arrow until you do. Now type your quadratic equation in. It will automatically be set equal to zero. (Use the button to the left of ALPHA for a variable, or use a capital letter as your variable(s). Put the cursor over the value next to the variable you want to solve for. Then press ALPHA and then SOLVE (the ENTER key. Notice that SOLVE is written in green above the ENTER key.) You will get an answer. Type in other values next to the variable to solve for other possible answers. You will normally get the answer closest to the one that is next to the variable before you press solve.

Why it is necessary to reverse the inequality symbol when multiplying both sides of an inequality by a negative number Provide an example to support your explanation?

"&lt;" means "farther to the left on the number line " and "&gt;" means "farther to the right on the number line". Multiplying by a negative number switches the sign, which is a reflection that turns left into right. Double switch example: 1&lt;2 multiply this by (-2): -2&gt;-4 multiply this by (-1): 2&lt;4

Explain in your own words why it is necessary to reverse the inequality symbol when multiplying both sides of an inequality by a negative number Provide an example to support your explanation?

Think of a number line. The larger numbers are to the right and the smaller number to the left. For instance, five is less than seven. (5 &lt; 7). When you multiply by a negative number, then the numbe with the larger absolute value is on the left, and the number with the smaller absolute value is to the right. (-5 &gt; -7).

How do you use different techniques to solve linear equations?

There are several techniques to solve linear equations. One common technique is the elimination method, where you eliminate one variable by adding or subtracting equations. Another technique is substitution, where you solve one equation for a variable and substitute it into the other equation. You can also use matrices and row operations to solve linear equations.

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How do you solve an equation if you have simplified and are left with a negative variable?

the negative variable would mean the opposite of. so therefore if u have -x= 4 ur answer would be the opposite of four which is negative 4.

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One variable inequality- graph the point on the number line then choose a point on the point, to the left and to the right to see what gets shaded. Two variable inequality- graph the line on grid paper then choose a point on the line, to the left and to the right to see what gets shaded.

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8x = 16 is NOT an 'Inequality#'. However, 8x &gt; 16 is an inequality as is 8x &gt; 16 . NB Treat inequalities as an 'equals'. except for negative numbers or fractions. Hence 8x &gt; 16 Divide both sides by '8' x &gt; 2 Similarly 8x &lt; 16 x &lt; 2

When the variable is on the left of the inequality symbol is represented by an open circle and a ray going to the right?

how the hell should i know

How do you solve the inequality 12x plus 5 so that the variable Xis on the left side?

12x + 5 = y Subtract 5 from both sides of the equation. Then divide both sides by 12. The 5 and 12 on the left cancel out, leaving only X. x = (y - 5) / 12

When solving by the substitution method what happens when one variable cancels out?

That's exactly the purpose of the substitution method ... to get an equation with one less variable. When you have it, you solve it for the variable that's left.

How can you tell whether an absolute value inequality is equivalent to a compound inequality with the word and or to a compound inequality with the word or?

Good question.Think about lxl > 3: x can be >3 or goes with or. < goes with and.

Why it is necessary to reverse the inequality symbol when multiplying both side of an inequality by a negative number?

You need to reverse the inequality symbol when multiplying both sides of an inequality by a negative number because you are changing the sign of both sides of the equation. Since inequality, such as "less than", means "to the left of" on the number line (where left is minus and right is plus) then a number that is less than another will be greater than the other if the signs were reversed. Example: 3 is less than 4, but -3 is greater than -4.

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There are four steps in an algebraic elimination problem. These steps are: to find a variable with equal or opposite coefficients, if equal then subtract the equations but if opposite then add, solve one variable equation left, and then substitute known variable into other equation and solve. hi

Why must you flip the inequality symbol when you divide by a negative number?

For the same reason you must flip it when you multiply by a negative number. An example should suffice. 2 &lt; 3 If you multiply by -1, without switching the sign, you get: -2 &lt; -3, which is wrong. Actually, -2 &gt; -3. Look at a number line if you are not sure about this - numbers to the left are less than numbers further to the right. Dividing by a negative number is the same as multiplying by the reciprocal, which in this case is also negative. These signs are strictly the "Greater than" and "Less than" signs. The inequality sign is an = with a / stroke through it. If you divide an inequality by -1 it remains an inequality.

How do you solve a quadratic equation on a TI-84?

Press MATH. Then go down to the last option, which says "Solver...". Press Enter. If you do not see "eqn:0=" then press the up arrow until you do. Now type your quadratic equation in. It will automatically be set equal to zero. (Use the button to the left of ALPHA for a variable, or use a capital letter as your variable(s). Put the cursor over the value next to the variable you want to solve for. Then press ALPHA and then SOLVE (the ENTER key. Notice that SOLVE is written in green above the ENTER key.) You will get an answer. Type in other values next to the variable to solve for other possible answers. You will normally get the answer closest to the one that is next to the variable before you press solve.

What is a gram variable bacteria?

A gram variable bacteria is a type of bacterium that does not consistently stain as either gram-positive or gram-negative. This variability can make it challenging to identify using traditional Gram staining techniques.