You need to provide the equation or it cannot be answered. V is just a meaningless letter without context ( a random letter given to an unknown)
That depends what the value of v is.
You can't "solve" since this isn't "=" to anything.
If v = r * h then> r = v / h
x/r=v x=vr
You don't. You solve it. u - v^2 - u + v^2 = 0
v * 7v > 637*v^2 > 63 v^2 > 9 v < -3 or v > 3.
v=39 sqrt(v-3)=6 v-3=62=36 v=36+3=39
S=vt-16t2 solve for v is what I will assume you mean. first pull out the t S=t(v-16t) then devide by t S/t=v-16t Then add 16t to both sides S/t + 16t = v This can also be written as (S+16t2)/t = v