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[log2 (x - 3)](log2 5) = 2log2 10

log2 (x - 3) = 2log2 10/log2 5

log2 (x - 3) = 2(log 10/log 2)/(log5/log 2)

log2 (x - 3) = 2(log 10/log 5)

log2 (x - 3) = 2(1/log 5)

log2 (x - 3) = 2/log 5

x - 3 = 22/log

x = 3 + 22/log 5

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Q: How do you solve log base 2 of x - 3 log base 2 of 5 equals 2 log base 2 of 10?
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If y equals 10 then what is then what is y equals log x?

y = 10 y = log x (the base of the log is 10, common logarithm) 10 = log x so that, 10^10 = x 10,000,000,000 = x

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ln is the natural logarithm. That is it is defined as log base e. As we all know from school, log base 10 of 10 = 1 just as log base 3 of 3 = 1, so, likewise, log base e of e = 1 and 1.x = x. so we have ln y = x. Relace ln with log base e, and you should get y = ex

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Logs to base 10 are common logs and are abbreviated to lg; to solve use antilogs: lg x = 2 → 10^(lg x) = 10^2 → x = 10² = 100

How do you solve 2logx plus 3logx equals 10?

2 log(x) + 3 log(x) = 105 log(x) = 10log(x) = 10/5 = 210log(x) = (10)2x = 100

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log 100 base e = log 100 base 10 / log e base 10 log 100 base 10 = 10g 10^2 base 10 = 2 log 10 base 10 = 2 log e base 10 = 0.434294 (calculator) log 100 base e = 2/0.434294 = 4.605175

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X is the log(to the base 2) of 10 = 3.324(rounded)

How do you solve 3log5 125 - log2 8 equals x?

Your calculator won't usually have a function to calculate logs in base 5 or base 8 directly, but this can easily be solved. For example: log5125 = log 125 / log 5 (taking both logs in base 10, or both logs in base e) In this particular case, you can also solve the equation mentally - you don't even need a calculator! Just use the definition of a log: "To what power must I raise 5 to get 125?" The answer to this is, by definition, log5125. Similarly with log28.

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Take logs of both sides - you can use any base, to give the answer: 10^x = 97 → log(10^x) = log(97) → x log(10) = log(97) → x = log(97) ÷ log(10) If you use common logs (logs to base 10) - highly recommended in this case), then: lg(10) = 1 → x = lg(97)

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When the unknown is in the power you need to use logs (to any base) and the rule: log(a^b) = b × log(a) Thus: 10^x - 4 = 7 → 10^x = 11 → x log 10 = log 11 → x = log 11 ÷ log 10 If you use common logs (to base 10) then: lg 10 = 1 → x = lg 11 ≈ 1.04

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250(x) = 400,000 Use logs to base '10' Hence log250^(x) = log400,000 xlog250 = log 400,000 Notirce how the power (x) becomes the coefficient. This is oerfectly correct under 'log' rules. x = log 400,000 / log 250 (NOT log(250/400,000). x = 5.60206 / 2.39794 x = 2.33619689..... ~ 2.33619 to 5 d.p.

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