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Q: How do you solve using slovin formula?
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Who introduce the slovin's formula?

slovin did

Who introduced slovin's formula?

Mark Slovin

Who invented slovin's formula?

Kulkol Slovin 1843

Who is Kulkol Magnus Mcleod aka Kulkol Slovin?

he is the one who invented slovin's formula

Who is the statistician named slovin?

he was the one who introduced the slovin's formula, the estimated sample size given the population size and margin of error

Who introduced the slovin's formula?

Kulkol Magnus Mcleod aka Kulkol Slovin 1843 Belgium while establishing number of his pigeons in his loft.

3 scenarios where slovin's formula is being applied?

A research study wants to estimate the proportion of adults in a city who prefer a certain brand of coffee. The researchers use Slovin's formula to determine the sample size needed for their survey. A market researcher is conducting a survey to estimate the average monthly household income in a specific neighborhood. Slovin's formula is utilized to calculate the sample size required to ensure the results are statistically significant. An environmental scientist is studying the population density of a rare species of bird in a particular habitat. By using Slovin's formula, the scientist can determine the appropriate sample size for monitoring and studying this bird population accurately.

Who invented slovin?

Kulkol Slovin 1843

What is Slovin's formula?

Slovin's formula is a mathematical formula used to determine the sample size needed for a survey or study. It takes into account the population size, desired level of confidence, and margin of error to calculate the appropriate sample size for a given study. It is commonly used in statistics and research to ensure accurate and reliable results.

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To verify section formula by graphical method?

You can verify section formula by graphical method if you cannot solve it using algebra.