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Q: How do you subtract positives integers with positive integers?
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What is the sign of the product of 6 negative integers and 2 positive integers?

The product of 2 (or more) positives is positive. The product of 2 negatives is positive. So product of 6 negatives = 3*(product of two negatives) = product of 3 positives = positive. So overall sign is positive.

How can you make the integers -3 5 15 -9 equals -7?

Multiply the negatives and subtract from the sum of the positives.

What do two postives equal?

Depends. Add two positives and the sum is positive. Divide two positives and the quotient is positive. Multiply two positives and the product is positive. Subtract two positives and the difference could be positive, negative or zero. If the two numbers are the same, the difference is zero. If one number is larger than the other and we subtract the smaller from the larger, the difference is positive. Subtracting the larger number from the smaller one gives a negative difference.

When you add two positive integers their sum is always a positive integers when you subtract two positive integers is their difference always a positive integer?

diffrence will always be positive except when it is zero but is you speak of substraction operation it can be positive negative or zero

How do you add and subtract positive and negative integers?

+2 + -1= 1

What is the sign of the product of 3 integers with the same sign?

3 positives will be positive. 3 negatives will be negative.

Why is the sum of two positive integers always positive?

Progresssion... You are moving into the 2nd quadrant with two positives. Wait until trig class, then you will get it...

Are integers always positives?

No. you could have, for example, -4 or 4 (or any other minus or positive number). Both are integers.

Why are integers important in math?

Because in alot of future jobs, you need to know how to add/subtract/divide/multiply negatves to positives and vice versa.

When you subtract integers do you always move left on a number line?

No.If you subtract a positive number, you move to the left.If you subtract a negative number, you move to the right.

How do you add and subbtract positive and negative integers?

When adding negative integers, you subtract. (2+-1=1) When subtracting negative integers, you add. (2--3=5)

When you have 2 positives do you add or subtract?

When you have 2 positives you add them.