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by when you cancelled the variables and the two numbers left are equal. ex.5=5, is a many solution equation, in the other hand if is like this 6=5, is a no solution.

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Q: How do you tell if two linear equation have more then one solution?
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How can you tell that an equation has the same solution as the original equation?

If the two equations are linear transformations of one another they have the same solution.

Is 4x2x a linear equation?

Difficult to tell because of problems with the browser. 4x = 2x IS a linear equation whose solution is x = 0

How can you tell if an equation has at most one solution without solving it?

You can be certain if the equation is linear, that is, of the form ax + b = 0 where a and b are constants.

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y=f(x) and y =g(x) are two linear equation of x. the intersection of their graphs will tel the solution of the equation f(x)=g(x).

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You can easily tell by substituting 0 for a.

How can the degree of the equation tell us if the equation is linear or not?

A linear equation always has a degree of one because the slope has to be constant to form a line. So, x + 7 is linear, 7 - x is linear, 4x - 3.7 is linear, but anything with x2 , etc. is not linear.

How can you tell if an equation is a linear relationship?

If it is in a y=mx+b format. Also, if there is a slope and a constant in the equation.

What does solving the equation for a line tell us?

A line is represented by an equation. Each solution of the equation is a point on the line, and each point on the line is a solution to the equation. So the line is just the graph of the solution set of the equation.

How can you tell if a point is a solution to the equation?

Substitute the coordinates of the point into the equation and if the result is a true statement then the point is a solution, and if not it isn't.

When the equation in a linear system have different slopes then the system has what kind of solution?

It is not possible to tell. The lines could intersect, in pairs, at several different points giving no solution. A much less likely outcome is that they all intersect at a single point: the unique solution to the system.

How can you tell a linear function from an equation?

An equation is a statement that two things are equal. A function is a rule or process that gives you a value if you give it something in its domain (the set of things on which it is defined) as an argument. Functions on numbers that are defined by a rule can usually be expressed by an equation. A linear function is one that can be defined by a linear equation.

How do you tell if an eqution is a linear equation?

An equation (note spelling) is linear if it is made up exclusively of constants and of unknowns raised to the first power (e.g., 'z', as opposed to 'z^2')