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Normally the input is on the horizontal axis and the output on the vertical axis.

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Q: How do you tell where the input and output is on a function graph?
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Describe how you can tell by looking at the graph of a function with variable is the input variable and which is the output variable?

You cannot.

How can you tell if a graph is a function?

A graph is a function if every input (x-value) corresponds to only one output (y-value). One way to check for this is to perform the vertical line test: if a vertical line intersects the graph at more than one point, the graph is not a function.

Is a piecewise graph a function?

Yes, a piecewise graph can represent a function as long as each piece of the graph passes the vertical line test, meaning that each vertical line intersects the graph at most once. This ensures that each input has exactly one output value.

How can you tell if a relationship is a function?

U can see if there is and input that can go into two outputs if there is it's not a function if there is and imput that only goes in to one output it's is a function

How can you tell if a graph is a sine function or a cosine function?

sine graph will be formed at origine of graph and cosine graph is find on y-axise

How can you tell if a graph sHow is a function?

Test it by the vertical line test. That is, if a vertical line passes through the two points of the graph, this graph is not the graph of a function.

How can you tell if a graph is a continuous function or a discrete function?

The graph of a continuous function will not have any 'breaks' or 'gaps' in it. You can draw it without lifting your pencil or pen. The graph of a discrete function will just be a set of lines.

How can you tell if a function is a function?

The vertical line test can be used to determine if a graph is a function. If two points in a graph are connected with the help of a vertical line, it is not a function. If it cannot be connected, it is a function.

How do you tell if a graph is a function?

For a 2-dimensional graph if there is any value of x for which there are more than one values of the graph, then it is not a function. Equivalently, any vertical line can intersect the a function at most once.

How do you determine weather the graph represent a function?

The "vertical line test" will tell you if it is a function or not. The graph is not a function if it is possible to draw a vertical line through two points.

How can you tell by looking at a graph its a function?

Draw a graph of a given curve in the xoy plane. Now draw a vertical line so that it cuts the graph. If the vertical line cuts the graph in more than one ordinate then given graph is not a function. If it cuts the graph at a single ordinate such a graph is a function.(is called vertical line test)

How can you tell if a graph show a FUNCTION?

By doing a vertical line test. If you can draw a vertical line and it only passes through the graph once, its a function. If it passes through twice, it is NOT a function.