Multiply the whole number by the denominator and add the numerator to give the new numerator and put over the original denominator:
1 4/5 = (1x5+4)/5 = 9/5
An improper fraction is something like 7/5, or seven fifths. If it was something like this, 1 2/5, or one and two fifths, it would be a compound number.
8/5 is.
It is: 1 and 4/5 = 9/5 as an improper fraction9/5
It is simply: 240/1 as an improper fraction
1 and 2/5 as an improper fraction is 7/5
An improper fraction is something like 7/5, or seven fifths. If it was something like this, 1 2/5, or one and two fifths, it would be a compound number.
8/5 is.
9/5, an improper fraction that simplifies to 1 4/5
1 and 3/5 is 8/5
12/5 an improper fraction = (5*1 + 2)/5 = 7/5.
It is: 1 and 4/5 = 9/5 as an improper fraction9/5
It is simply 9/1 as an improper fraction
It is simply 143/1 as an improper fraction
It is simply: 240/1 as an improper fraction
It is simply 81/1 as an improper fraction