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rainfall (1.06 inches)

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Q: How do you used hundredths of a decimal in a daily life?
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Related questions

Where would you round to decimal places?

I am assuming the question means where in life is rounding used? Rounding to hundredths is used with Dollars and Cents. Rounding to whole numbers is used when expressing approximations and things that can not be cut like people in an elevator.

How is petrol used in your daily life?

how is petrol used in our everday life

How is scientific notation used in daily life?

It usually isn't. Scientific notation is used for very large and very small numbers, that are not normally used in your daily life. Unless your "daily life" involves work in science or engineering.

What digit is in the hundredths column of 1569?

1569 Does NOT have a hundredths column. NB However '1' is in the 'thousands' column '5' is in the 'hundreds' column (NB Note the spelling) '6' is in the 'tens' column '9' is on the 'units' column. When 'th' is used in the name it refers to the decimal position. In '1569' there is no decimal position.

How is the golden ratio used in your daily life?

I use the Golden Ratio in my daily life to design websites.

How is neon used in daily life?

These nuts

How are animals used in daily life?

You pet them

How is gold used in daily life?

In dentistry .

Where are magnets used in daily life?

in alternators

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What is the decimal point for four and twenty-eight hundredths?

The decimal point, for any number, is a point or full stop symbol (".") which is used to separate the integer part of a number from its fractional part.

How are vectors used in daily life?

They are used in airplanes and in sailboats.