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the number in your piece of data = n

lower quartile, n+1 divided by 4

upper quartile, n+1 divded by 4 and times by three

interquartile range(IQR) = upper quartile - lower quartile

outliers(O) = interquartile range x 1.5

lower than IQR-O is an outlier (h)

above IQR+O is an outlier (h)

the outliers on your box plot are any numbers that are the value i have named (h) ^

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Q: How do you work out outliers on a box plot?
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How do you find clusters on a box and whisker plot?

You cannot, unless they are all outliers, and the plot records outliers separately.

What does the whisker in a box-and-whisker plot represent?

The whiskers mark the ends of the range of figures - they are the furthest outliers. * * * * * No. Outliers are not part of a box and whiskers plot. The whiskers mark the ends of the minimum and maximum observations EXCLUDING outliers. Outliers, if any, are marked with an X.

Do outliers count when calculating the range of a box and whisker plot?

no max-min

How do you Create a box plot of data that does not have any outliers?

Go into your data to determine which values are outliers and if they're significant and random (not an apparent group), eliminate them. This will take them out of your boxplot.

How are outliers of a data set related to the whiskers of its box plot?

Outliers on a modified box plot will be noted away from the ends of the whiskers, as they are not considered part of the range, due to the fact that they are so different from the rest of the data. In a regular box plot, the lowest value, whether it is an outlier or not, will be the beginning of the 1st whisker, the highest value, whether an outlier or not will be the end of the 2nd whisker.

What is the upper extreme to a box- and- whisker plot?

THe maximum observed (excluding any outliers).

What do box and whisker plots tell you about data that measures of central tenancy do not?

The box and whisker plot informs you of the 5 number summary, which comprises of the minimum and maximum, the median, and the first and third quartiles. The minumum and maximum give you the range, which is not given by measures of central tendancy. also, if it a modified box and whisker plot, outliers will be marked separatley from the rest of the plot, outliers are also not included in the measures of center.

A box plot is also known as a box-and-whisker plot.?

A box plot is a visual representation of the distribution of a dataset. It displays the minimum, first quartile, median, third quartile, and maximum values of the dataset. The "box" in the plot represents the interquartile range, while the "whiskers" represent the range of the data excluding outliers.

What are the five points of a box and whiskers graph?

Both ends of the the box (the "whiskers") plot determine the range of your data, without including outliers. (Outliers are marked by an asterisk). The end of the left side of the box is the lower quartile. The line in the box is the median. The other end of the box represent the upper quartile.

What are four parts of the box and whisker plot called?

There are 5 (not 4) parts of an elementary box and whiskers plot. From left to right, they are: minimum, lower quartile, median, upper quartile, and maximum. A more advanced version of plot is used for data containing outliers. In such cases the whiskers extend to the minimum or maximum EXCLUDING the outlier(s) and the outliers themselves are marked with Xs - beyond the scope of the whiskers.

What is the range of the data set in the box and whisker plot?

The whiskers go from the minimum to the maximum though outliers may be excluded. The box, itself, goes from the lower quartile to the upper quartile.

Which graphs is most useful for identifying outliers?

I would be tempted to use a box-plot or a scatter graph. Those are the first two that come to mind.