it mean what can you make out of 10.6 get 6 2 and 4 unu thatmake 2
4/5 in a decimal
Some decimals repeat. Some decimals go on forever. Some decimals stop. Those are called terminating decimals.
it means both the type of decimals have the same value
In much the same way as anyone writes decimals.
7 If you mean integers, 7. If you mean decimals: An infinite number of decimals are between 6 and 8. 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 and so on. Then you can get decimals like 6.111112222222 I assume you mean integers so 7.
4/5 in a decimal
Some decimals repeat. Some decimals go on forever. Some decimals stop. Those are called terminating decimals.
I think you mean 77/100. That would be .77 in decimals.
it means both the type of decimals have the same value
In much the same way as anyone writes decimals.
You go and shag your dad
7 If you mean integers, 7. If you mean decimals: An infinite number of decimals are between 6 and 8. 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 and so on. Then you can get decimals like 6.111112222222 I assume you mean integers so 7.
The property is the same, whether you work with integers, decimals, or fractions.
Real numbers
I dont know
One and a half.
Equivalent decimals means that two decimal are having the same value.