As the 82 are whole numbers, it is 82.00 as a decimal
To write 23.5 as a decimal, you can simply write it as 23.5. In decimal form, the whole number part remains the same, and the decimal part is written as it is. So, 23.5 written as a decimal is 23.5.
To write 6.07 as a mixed decimal, you need to express it as a whole number plus a decimal fraction. Since 6 is the whole number, and 0.07 is the decimal fraction, the mixed decimal form of 6.07 is 6 + 0.07.
Write 2 ways in which whole numbers and decimal numbers are different
As the 82 are whole numbers, it is 82.00 as a decimal
To write 23.5 as a decimal, you can simply write it as 23.5. In decimal form, the whole number part remains the same, and the decimal part is written as it is. So, 23.5 written as a decimal is 23.5.
104 is a whole number and is not usually written in a decimal form.
900 is a whole number and cannot be written as a decimal. 900.0
15,000 is already a whole number. A whole number is any number that is not a fraction or decimal. 15,00.96 would not be a whole number, but a decimal.
To write 6.07 as a mixed decimal, you need to express it as a whole number plus a decimal fraction. Since 6 is the whole number, and 0.07 is the decimal fraction, the mixed decimal form of 6.07 is 6 + 0.07.