650 can be written as "six hundred fifty" in English words.
Two thousand five hundred.
Nine hundred seventy-five thousand.
If they know the language, then yes. They also "borrow" English words and on occasion write them in English instead of katakana.
30 = thirty
Please write your question in English, if you know how to write in English.
650 can be written as "six hundred fifty" in English words.
the alphabet is the only way to write words in English.
The best way for a person to learn Chinese words in English is to purchase a translation book. The book will show all the words, meaning, and how to write the words.
बजाज To know how to write other words, search for a English to Hindi transliteration tool on a search engine and when you type in the words in English you will get the words in Hindi as soon as you press space after each word.
One hundred sixty thousand
Fifteen thousand forty four.
Eight hundred seventy-five.