It is 9605.9
To write nine thousand six hundred five and nine tenths in decimal form, you would write it as 9605.9. The whole number part, 9605, remains the same, and the decimal part, nine tenths, is represented as 0.9. This is because the decimal point separates the whole number part from the fractional part, with each place value to the right of the decimal point representing a power of 10 (tenths, hundredths, thousandths, etc.).
Nine and nine tenths in decimal form is 9.9
Not really sure what that's supposed to be. Two hundred and three tenths is 200.3 Two hundred and nine tenths is 200.9 Two hundred three and nine tenths is 203.9 Everything added together is 201.2
It is 9605.9
To write nine thousand six hundred five and nine tenths in decimal form, you would write it as 9605.9. The whole number part, 9605, remains the same, and the decimal part, nine tenths, is represented as 0.9. This is because the decimal point separates the whole number part from the fractional part, with each place value to the right of the decimal point representing a power of 10 (tenths, hundredths, thousandths, etc.).
To write nine tenths as a decimal, it looks like this: .9
Nine and nine tenths in decimal form is 9.9
Nine tenths.
Not really sure what that's supposed to be. Two hundred and three tenths is 200.3 Two hundred and nine tenths is 200.9 Two hundred three and nine tenths is 203.9 Everything added together is 201.2
9.4 is how you write nine and four tenths as a decimal
669.4 = six hundred sixty-nine and four tenths.
It is 5300029.6