to write a whole number as a fraction, you put the number over 1. take 8 for example. you divide the numerator by the denominator so 8 divided by 1 is 8. :) welcome!
The majority of fractions will not be able to become whole numbers. Certain improper fractions, where the numerator is a multiple of the denominator, can become whole numbers. No proper fractions can.
Proper fractions can't become whole numbers.
Fractions help with numbers that are not whole numbers.
Mixed fractions can't become whole numbers.
1. change the dissimilar fractions to similar fractions by getting the L.C.D or the least common denominator. 2. add the whole numbers and write down the given denominator. 3. reduce the answer to lowest term if possible.
You cannot: whole numbers and improper fractions are disjoint sets.
The majority of fractions will not be able to become whole numbers. Certain improper fractions, where the numerator is a multiple of the denominator, can become whole numbers. No proper fractions can.
Proper fractions can't become whole numbers.
No. All fractions are not whole numbers, but all whole numbers are [improper] fractions (with a denominator of 1).
Fractions help with numbers that are not whole numbers.
Mixed fractions can't become whole numbers.
There are an infinite number of both fractions and whole numbers.
1. change the dissimilar fractions to similar fractions by getting the L.C.D or the least common denominator. 2. add the whole numbers and write down the given denominator. 3. reduce the answer to lowest term if possible.
adding fractions is like adding a WHOLE lot of parts of numbers
You multiply the denominator by the whole number the add the numerator and you keep the denominator the same.
Whole numbers are positive numbers and there are no fractions or decimals.