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Q: How does a egg survive a fall from 2 meters?
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How do you drop an egg 2 meters without it breaking?

Hold the egg 3 meters above the floor and drop it. It will fall (the first) 2 meters without breaking. Sure, it will break when it hits the floor, but THAT is at THREE meters- and you said TWO.

How far does the earth fall if someone falls 2 meters?

the earth doesnt fall.

How high should we throw the egg from in order not to break?

2 meters highs

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writing and literature

How fast will a 2-kg ball fall from 2 meters high?

The time it takes for a 2-kg ball to fall from a height of 2 meters can be calculated using the formula t = sqrt(2h/g), where t is the time, h is the height (2 meters), and g is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.81 m/s^2). Substituting the values, we find that it will take about 0.64 seconds for the ball to fall.

How many meters will an object fall in 1.5 seconds?

H = 1/2 G T2 = 1/2 (32.2) (1.5)2 = 36.23 feet

What should you do if a dog went out the window?

It Depends on the height of the window 2 Storeys = Vet is needed Over 2 Storeys = Dog will not survive the fall

How many sperm cells can enter an egg cell?

Only one sperm fertilises an egg in normal cases, abnormally there are chances of fertilization by 2 or more sperm cells but such a zygote usually does not survive.

How many meters will a bomb which is dropped from an airplane fall in the tenth second after it is released?

In the tenth second, an object in free fall will have fallen approximately 490 meters. This is because the distance fallen increases by 1/2 the acceleration of gravity each second squared (9.8 m/s^2).

What is the distance a freely falling object will fall in each second?

Objects in free fall will be accelerating, so you need to know which second that you are interested in, and the acceleration from gravity (9.8 meters per sec2) The formula for distance is: d = v0*t + (1/2)*a*t2. Where v0 is the initial velocity, t is time, and a is acceleration.

David drops a ball from a bridge at an initial height of 70 meters what is the height of the ball to the nearest tenth of a meter exactly 2 seconds after he releases the ball?

Distance of fall in T seconds = 1/2 g T2Distance of fall in 2 seconds = (1/2) (9.8) (2)2 = (4.9 x 4) = 19.6 metersHeight of this particular ball after 2 seconds = (70 - 19.6) = 50.4 meters

The distance a freely falling object will fall in 10 s is about?

x = 1/2 g t2 = (4.9) (10)2 = 490 meters