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there could be an unlimited amount of answers like what number (example x) divided by 1 equal itself. all numbers work this question

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Q: How does a math problem with infinite solutions?
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What math problem is infinite?

Infinity appears in different contexts, with somewhat different meanings, in math; for example:* Trigonometric equations tend to have an infinite number of solutions. For instance, the equation sin x = 0 has the solution 0, but also all multiples of pi (if using radians) or of 180 degrees (if using degrees). * If you divide by a number that gets closer and closer to zero ("approaches zero"), the result gets arbitrarily large (it "approaches infinity"). * In some areas of math, infinite sets are used.

When was Infinite Computer Solutions created?

Integrated Computer Solutions was created in 1987.

Are there math problem solutions that require virtualization?

There are some math problmes that do require virtualization but it is also hard to find a place to do the problem on. There are teachers who have been educated in this particular subject.

In math what is soultion?

A solution is an answer that satisfies the conditions of the problem posed. For example 4 is the solution to 3+1, since 3+1=4. A problem may have more than one solution, or maybe zero solutions. The problem "When x squared equals 4, what values can x take?" Has two solutions, namely ±2. But the problem "What x gives 3x>9" has infinite solutions, just pick any number greater than 3. For the two equations x+y=1 and x+y=2 there is clearly an inconsistency, so there is no solutions for x and y.

What is the most complicated math problem?

There is no "most complicated math problem" because numbers are infinite. However, on very complicated problem is pi=? because pi is a repeating decimal, it would go on forever. Because of that, we usually sorten pi to 3.1415...

What is an infinite solution to an equation?

An infinite solution means that are an infinite number of values that are solutions.

How do you recognize when an equation has no real solution or an infinite number of solutions?

It depends on the equation. Also, the domain must be such that is supports an infinite number of solutions. A quadratic equation, for example, has no real solution if its discriminant is negative. It cannot have an infinite number of solutions. Many trigonometric equations are periodic and consequently have an infinite number of solutions - provided the domain is also infinite. A function defined as follows: f(x) = 1 if x is real f(x) = 0 if x is not real has no real solutions but an infinite number of solutions in complex numbers.

What is infinite solutions?

The equation or a system of equations having infinite solutions is called identity/identities. (a+b)^2=a^2+2ab+b^2 is an identity. It has infinite solutions. The equation is true for all values of a and b.

What pair of numbers have a difference of 25?

There is an infinite number of solutions to this problem. Some answers are 26 and 1, 30 and 5, and 56 and 31.

Is it possible to check all the numbers that are solutions of an inequality?

Not unless you have an infinite amount of time as there are an infinite amount of numbers that are solutions to an inequality.

If an equation is an identity how many solutions does it have?

An identity equation has infinite solutions.

What is the number of solutions of a system in which the lines are coincident?

an infinite number of solutions