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Q: How does one know when a measurement is precise?
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How does one know if measurement is precise or accurate?

because of the mass

How do you find how precise a measurement is?

I don't know the answer SORRY!!!!!!!!

A precise measurement is one that?

Is as exact as possible

What measurement is more precise and accurate?

What determines how precise a measurement is

A measurement that is accurate is one that?

The measurement that is accurate is one that is precise. These are also commonly titled accurate measurements in the books.

A measurement is precise if?

It is precise if it is repeatable.

How would you GeT a precise measurement of line a to nearest milllimere?

By using a precise instrument. One that is calibrated by a recognised body.

How do you determine which measurement is precise?

Choose the one with the most decimal places.

What tools can help you find out the precise measurement of an angle?

A protractor is one of them

What is an specific and precise measurement called?

Synonyms of "specific" and "precise" include accurate, detailed, explicit, stringent or rigorous. A precise measurement is one made with well-maintained equipment and using the correct methods in a careful manner.

The measurement 25.81 is precise to the nearest what?

The measurement 25.81 is precise to the nearest hundredth.

Tell which measurement is more precise 178 in or 12 ft?

They are both as precise as the measuring tools. Precision is affected by the error introduced by the measurement or in a dimension, often known as the tolerance.A measurement in inches has a greater resolution than one in feet. 12 times the resolution in fact. However, a measurement of 178 inches that can be up to 15% out is not as precise as a measurement of 12 feet with a 1% possible error.