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Q: How does stagnation represent negative developments?
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What part of speech is stagnation?

Stagnation is a noun.

What is meant by the term 'economic stagnation'?

The term 'economic stagnation' means a period of slow economic growth. Depending on the definition of the term, this means growth less than around 2% per year or significantly less than the growth predicted by experts. Causes can be poor economic policy, catastrophes and demographic developments.

How do you represent positive and negative terminals?

Positive + Negative -

What earlier developments in cartography were driven largely by exploration of unknown lands later developments were driven more by the need to?

more accurately represent and understand what had already been explored.

Why do you use negative numbers in Math?

You use negative numbers to represent subtractions (10-5 is same as 10 + -5) Also, you use these to represent things that can be negative.

While earlier developments in cartography were driven largely by exploration of unknown lands later developments were driven more by the need to?

more accurately represent and understand what had already been explored.

HOW Can you use absolute to represent a negative number in a real-world situation?

use a absolute value to represent a negative number in the real world

When you slove a problem involving money what can a negative answer represent?

When solving a problem involving money, a negative answer can represent an overdrawn account or an amount owed.

Why does the expression -a does not always represent a negative number?

* If "a" is positive, "-a" is negative.* If "a" is negative, "-a" is positive. * If "a" is zero, "-a" is zero. If you want to force a negative number, you can write -|a|, i.e., the negative of the absolute value.

How can you use absolute value to represent a negative number in a real-world situation?

use a absolute value to represent a negative number in the real world

How do you prevent mental stagnation?

to prevent mental stagnation, you have to be alert. physically and mentally!!! that's it.

The mraning of stagnation?

The official definition of the word stagnation is "the state of being still, or not moving."