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Q: How does surface area effect diffusion?
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What is the effect of size of uptake on diffusion in agar?

larger the size, the smaller the surface area to volume ratio, hence the slower the rate of diffusion into the agar jelly :)

How does surface area affect diffusion rate?

Surface area directly affects the rate of diffusion by providing more area for molecules to interact; a larger surface area leads to faster diffusion rates because there are more opportunities for molecules to move across the membrane. With a greater surface area, more molecules can pass through the cell membrane at the same time, increasing the overall rate of diffusion.

What are 3 factors that can have a effect on the rate of diffusion?

Three factors that can affect the rate of diffusion are the concentration gradient (difference in concentration between two areas), the temperature (higher temperatures generally increase diffusion rates), and the surface area available for diffusion (larger surface areas allow for more molecules to diffuse at once).

Why is a large surface area necessary for the alveoli in the lungs?

According to fick's law rate of diffusion =(proportional to)= Surface area x Diffusion gradient Diffusion Pathway thickness So for a sufficient rate of diffusion, Surface area must be large The diffusion pathway is already at it's minimun of 1 cell thick and the gradient is harder to adjust. There are around 600 million alveoli in the lungs that have a cummulitive surface area of around 70m2.

How does surface area to volume ratio of a cell affect rate of diffusion?

The surface area to volume ratio of a cell affects the rate of diffusion in that the higher the ratio, the faster the rate of diffusion. This is a directly proportional relationship.

What are the three things that affect diffusion?

Three main factors that affect diffusion are temperature (higher temperature increases rate of diffusion), concentration gradient (greater difference in concentration leads to faster diffusion), and surface area (larger surface area allows for more diffusion to occur).

Why small particle has more surface area than larger particle?

That depends upon the shape of the particles. * If they are spherical, the surface area is 4*pi*r^2, where r is the radius of the particle. * If they are cuboidal, the surface area is b*w*h, where b, w, h are the lengths of the sides

What factors affect simple diffusion?

Factors that affect simple diffusion include concentration gradient (higher concentration difference leads to faster diffusion), temperature (higher temperatures increase diffusion rate), surface area available for diffusion (larger surface area allows for faster diffusion), and characteristics of the molecules themselves (size and solubility).

What is diffusion rate proportional to?

The diffusion rate is directly proportional to the concentration gradient, the surface area available for diffusion, and the permeability of the membrane through which diffusion occurs.

What is the relationship between surface area to volume ratio and the rate of diffusion?

The higher the ratio, the faster the rate of diffusion

What influences diffusion?

Diffusion is a type of passive transport. The factors that influence diffusion include: concentration gradient, size of molecule involved, distance the molecule has to travel, temperature, solubility of the molecule and surface area.

Describe 2 properties of an exchange surface that would facilitate rapid diffusion rates?

Large surface area: A greater surface area allows for more molecules to come into contact with the surface, increasing the rate of diffusion. Thin membrane: A thin exchange surface reduces the distance that molecules have to travel to diffuse across the surface, speeding up the diffusion process.