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The knowledge of probability impacts one's understanding of drug testing or tests for a particular disease because the test parameter could come out either as true or false, making the probability to be 1/2 for either scenario or status.

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Q: How does the knowledge of probability impact ones understanding of drug testing or tests for a particular disease?
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What is the probability of testing positive for the disease?

The probability isP(you have the disease)*P(the test shows positive when testing someone with the disease) +P(you don't have the disease)*P(the test shows positive when testing someone without the disease).The second category is particularly important if the disease is rare but the probability of a type II error is large.

How can doctors and genetic counselors calculate the probability of a child inheriting a disease?

the punnett square

How is probability used in biology?

It's used commonly to estimate the traits of a child of two parents. For example, the probability of the child having blue eyes, or curly hair, or even having genetic disease.

What is frequency approach to probability?

The frequency approach or experimental probability involves the estimation of the probability of an outcome as the proportion of "successful" outcomes in repeated trials. I put "successful" in quotes because in epidemiology, a "successful" outcome is often a person catching a disease or infection and possibly dying as a result. I am not sure if anyone would consider that a success!

What are the odds of having a baby with 3 very rare diseases?

If you know nothing about the parents' risk for these diseases or other contributing factors (race, environment, etc.), then the answer depends solely on the probabilities of getting any one of those diseases. Let's say the risks are P1, P2 and P3 where P1 is the probability of the baby having rare disease #1 and so on. A probability of 1 is a sure thing and 0 means no chance, so the probability of a rare disease is a number slightly greater than 0. The risk of getting disease #1 AND #2 AND #3 is the product: P1xP2xP3. If, for example, the each risk is one in a million (P1=P2=P3=0.000001), then the odds of having a baby with all three is 1 in 1,000,000,000,000,000,000. The math changes severely if one of the parents is at risk for the disease. Let's say the mother has one gene that causes the disease #1. Then P1 is no longer 1 in a million, it is 0.5. If the parent's racial group is afflicted with P2=0.001 as well, then P=0.5x0.001x0.000001=0.000000005, which is 500,000 the risk of others.

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Is the Teddy Bear Hamster more prone to disease?

No! Certainly no more than any other animal. Disease and Susceptibility to diseases are all down to genetics. If you have a good understanding and knowledge of genetics disease can be eliminated.

What is the probability of testing positive for the disease?

The probability isP(you have the disease)*P(the test shows positive when testing someone with the disease) +P(you don't have the disease)*P(the test shows positive when testing someone without the disease).The second category is particularly important if the disease is rare but the probability of a type II error is large.

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How did Aristotle contribute to medical knowledge of disease and infection?

Aristotle made influential contributions to medical knowledge by emphasizing the importance of observation and empirical evidence in understanding disease. He also classified diseases based on their symptoms and suggested connections between environmental factors and health. Aristotle's work laid the groundwork for the development of medical knowledge in ancient Greece.

What is the probability that a randomly selected man between age 55 and 64 does not have this disease?

The answer will depend on what the disease is.

What is the probability that you will die of heart disease?

around 20-30%

What is the probability of a baby inheriting a disease from parents?

For the case where the disease is a recessive trait (more likely), the probability is 1/2 that they will carry the diseased gene but not show it. If the disease is a dominant trait, the probability is 1/2 that they will get it and show it. Having said that, in the recessive case, if both parents are carriers, then there is a 1/4 case the child will get it from both and then show the disease. I have answered regarding genetically-transmitted diseases. Mental illness and other forms of "disease" will be different.

What is etiologic materials?

Etiologic materials are substances or factors that are known to cause a specific disease or condition. These materials can include viruses, bacteria, toxins, or other agents that contribute to the development of a disease. Understanding the etiologic materials involved in a particular disease is important for developing effective prevention and treatment strategies.

Is there such a thing as a hiccuping disease?

Not to my knowledge

What is the probability that N will not have Huntington disease?

0, since letters of the alphabet do not have diseases.

What is the probability that a future daughter they have together will also be afflicted with hemophilia?

0% probability that their daughter will have it because it is a X-linked disease meaning only males can get it.

Why were statistics developed?

To be able to understand the probability of chance for an occurrence and to further understand probability