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Q: How does the mass of a floating wood compare to the mass of water displaced?
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What is true about the mass and volume of all floating objects?

The volume of liquid displaced has the same mass as the floating object.

Does the amount of water displaced by an object depend on its mass or its volume?


What is the formula for finding the density of a liquid?

Density of a object displaced in water = mass of object/volume of liquidTherefore Density = mass/volumeUnit of Density is 1g/1000 cm3

What is the density of A rectangular wooden block that measures 10 cm by 4 cm by 2 cm when placed in water and it is floating horizontally with its bottom face 1 point 65 cm below the surface?

It is 0.825g/cm^3. Use the area of the wood to find the area of the water displaced with a depth of 1.65. This will give you the volume of the water and multiply that by it's density(1000kg/m^3) to reveal the mass of the water. The mass of the water should be equal to the mass of the wood. Divide this mass by the volume of the wood(not the water segment), which will give you the density of the wood block. Be careful with the unit conversions, you may do the right math, but still have the wrong answer.

How do you find the mass of an irregular object?

you use the water displacement test. the mass of the displaced water is equal to the mass of the object. because the density of water is one, this means that the volume of the water is equal to the mass of the object * * * * * That is only true if the body floats. Two blocks of different metals, but of the same size will displace the same volume of water. Their masses will not be the same.

Related questions

How does the mass of a floating object compared to the mass of the water displaced?

The mass of a floating object is equal to the mass of the water it displaces. This is known as Archimedes' principle, which states that the buoyant force acting on an object is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced.

What is true about the mass and volume of all floating objects?

The volume of liquid displaced has the same mass as the floating object.

How can you tell the mass of the water displaced?

You can determine the mass of the water displaced by using the density of water (1 g/cm³). The mass of the displaced water is equal to the volume of the water displaced multiplied by the density of water.

How do you find the density of floating objects?

To find the density of floating objects, you need to measure the mass of the object and the volume of water it displaces when floating. The density can then be calculated by dividing the mass of the object by the volume of water displaced.

How do you calculate the density of both an irregular and regular shaped floating object?

To calculate the density of an irregular shaped floating object, you can measure its mass using a balance and then find its volume by submerging it in a known volume of water and measuring the water displaced. For a regular shaped floating object, you can simply divide its mass by its volume to find the density.

What do you notice about the density of floating objects?

Usually the density of floating object will be less than that of the liquid in which it is floating. But exception is that ship made up of iron will float in less dense water. Becasue a large amount of water will be displaced due to the specific construction of the ship. The weight of the displaced water will be more than the floating ship.

What relation do you find between the weight of the floating body and the waight of water that is displaced?

They are equal.When a boat is floating on water it displaces water equal to its weight(Archimedes Principle). As the density of water is less than boat so water displaced is greater than volume of boat. When the boat sinks water displaced is equal to volume of boat. So less water is displaced in 2nd case and consequently water level goes down.Note - relation between volume(v) mass(m) and density(d) : d = m/v

How do you find the mass of an object based on the displaced water?

To find the mass of an object based on the displaced water, you can make use of Archimedes' principle. Measure the volume of the water displaced by the object, and then multiply it by the density of water (usually 1 g/mL). This will give you the mass of the object.

How do you prove that the mass of a substance of a density is equal to the volume of water?

To prove that the mass of a substance is equal to the volume of water, you can use the principle of buoyancy. First, weigh the substance in air to determine its mass. Then, immerse the substance in water and measure the volume of water displaced. The mass of the water displaced is equal to the mass of the substance, thus proving the equality.

Which one will determine how much water will be displaced - mass or volume?

Volume will determine how much water will be displaced. The volume of an object dictates how much space it occupies, which in turn determines the amount of water it displaces when submerged. Mass alone does not directly affect water displacement.

How do you measure buoyancy?

place an object in a container with a fluid and find the amount of water it displaced. then find the mass of the object. then multiply the mass by the amount of displaced water♪

Describe Archimedes' Principle and how it is used to determine whether or not an object will float in a fluid?

The Principle states that the mass of a liquid displaced by a floating body is equal to the mass of that body. So if you fill a tumbler up with water to the brim, put an object into it, weigh the water that has been pushed out of the tumbler, and compare that with the weight of the object, you'll know whether it floats ot not. If you're doing this with a large object like a ship you'd need to calculate by measurement how much water is going to be displaced by the weight of the ship (also calculated). Hopefully, it's be the same, or your ship will sink.