( This looks like someone's homework question, but I'll bite)
I many ways.
It can involve everything from using calculus to determine instantaneous velocity (speed) at any given moment on a long highway trip with a few stops and many other variations along the way, or it can be as simple as calculating the average speed of the vehicle, bu simple division (Rate = Distance / Time). But I mainly use math to calculate fuel economy, by writing down gallons pumped at gas station and miles traveled on odometer. Over the course of several fuelings, the errors average out, whether or not the tank is filled each time, and it doesn't even require integral calculus (but using it helps).
Soccer is involved in math because to keep score
math ha these sign in it so it involves these sign +, =, $, %, # and more.......
calculate distanceSpeedtimemoney
cookingbuildingsciencemeasurementstemperaturetimehere are six
Yes many branches of science involve math
Biology can involve math.
Archaeology :)
Soccer is involved in math because to keep score
math ha these sign in it so it involves these sign +, =, $, %, # and more.......
calculate distanceSpeedtimemoney
Reading and writing.
It does if you get paid for it.
Just about everything an engineer in any field does will involve math.