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it works on the principle of seven segment display.

according to the number the respective lines ,among 7 ,are displayed.

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Q: How does your calculator shows number?
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Related questions

Is there a calculator that shows work?

Any calculator that prints on paper can be set to print everything as it goes into the calculation. There are calculator programs on computers that include a "tape" that shows work, as well. A number of more recent calculators also show work on the graphical display.

How can you stop repeating decimals from displaying on the calculator?

Not quite sure what you want; the calculator only shows a limited number of decimals in any case. Some calculators have options to round the result to a certain number of decimal places. If that's what you want, check your calculator's manual for details.

Where is an online equation calculator that shows its work?

Yes there is you shouldn't use it though on Calculator Soup.

How does a calculator show a reaminder?

It doesn't, it shows it as a decimal

What does a forex calculator do?

A forex calculator shows currency conversions. It shows how much a dollar amount is in different countries that have different currencies than your own. It is a currency converter.

What number is r on a calculator?

There is no such number on a calculator. If you see "R" on a calculator, it is probably some calculation - for example, conversion from polar to rectangular coordinates. Check the manual for your calculator.

What is the biggest number you can write on a calculator?

This will depend on the type of calculator you have. This will depend on the type of calculator you have.

What is the maximum number you can get in calculator?


How can you put a mixed number in the calculator?

Buy a good calculator.

How do you store and recall a number on a calculator?

if it is a scientific calculator you just have to press replay at the top of the calculator

How do I find a person who stole my pencil case with my calculator in it then called me and said I have your calculator hostage My phone number was on the calculator it was a private number?

save his number and go to the police then say he stole my pencilcase and my calculator. and anyway are you cheating because you schoudent bring a calculator in the school. You have luck LOL

What does NaN mean on a calculator?

not a number