

How far can a mouse fall?

Updated: 9/14/2023
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16y ago

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All the way to the ground.

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Q: How far can a mouse fall?
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He would fall into the rat pyramid .(;

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When a mouse goes skiing, it means that you will will lose your speed that will cause you to fall down.

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I Don't Have Far to Fall was created in 1988-08.

Is a zebra faster than an mouse?

Yes because a mouse has tiny legs which cannot carry them far.

If you play with a mouse on a table will it jump off or will it stay on and not jump because of the height?

You shouldn't count on a mouse being afraid of heights. While you might think that the height of a table to a mouse is proportionally something like a twenty-story building to a human, small animals can fall further without getting injured than large ones can. A table isn't really all that high at all as far as a mouse is concerned.

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Mice fall under the order Rodentia

How far away can a mouse see?

a mouse can see about 15 cm a way but in dark can see 2cm away

How far can a owl hear a mouse.?

It depends on the type of owl but generaly an owl can hear a mouse from about 23 meters

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An owl swoops down.

Is the mouse that gives you money under your pillow when your teeth fall out real?

It's not a mouse that puts the money under your pillow when you lose a tooth, it's the tooth fairy that does it.