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All objects in free fall experience an acceleration due to gravity of 32 m/s² at all times. Some basic knowledge of physics gives us the equation


Where d is the distance traveled, vi is the initial velocity, t is the time of travel and a is the acceleration. Plugging in the values vi=0 (meaning theres no initial velocity), t=5.2s and a=-32m/s² (negative because gravity pulls you downward) we get the equation

d=0*5.2s + 1/2 * (-32 m/s²) * (5.2s)²

Which when simplified tells us that the distance fallen is 432.64 feet.

However, in real life, friction means that we will never get an answer as nice as this. Friction constantly opposes the motion of any moving object, meaning that in a given time less distance will be covered than estimated by this equation. Sadly, without knowing more about the object (its shape, mass, and composition) there's no way to calculate how much effect friction will have.

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Q: How far does an object dropped from rest fall in 5.2 seconds?
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What is the distance covered by a freely falling object 5 seconds after it is dropped from rest?

0.7848 meter

An 8-kg mass is in free fall. what is the velocity of the mass after 9 seconds?

An object dropped from rest will have a downward velocity of (9 g) = 88.2 meters per second after 9 seconds. Ignoring air resistance, the mass of the object is irrelevant. All masses fall with the same acceleration, and have the same downward velocity after any given period of time.

What is the velocity of an object that started from rest and has been in free fall for 10 seconds?

The velocity of an object in free fall after 10 seconds is approximately 98 m/s. This value is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2) multiplied by the time in seconds.

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Assuming the object starts from rest, the distance an object falls in 0.25 seconds can be calculated using the equation ( d = \frac{1}{2}gt^2 ), where (d) is the distance, (g) is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/sĀ²), and (t) is the time. Substituting the values, the object would fall approximately 0.31 meters in 0.25 seconds.

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How far will a freely falling object dropped from rest in eight seconds?

Assuming constant acceleration due to gravity, the object will fall a distance of 313.6 meters in 8 seconds. This is calculated using the formula ( d = \frac{1}{2} g t^2 ), where ( d ) is the distance fallen, ( g ) is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.81 m/s(^2)), and ( t ) is the time elapsed.

How far will a freely falling object fall from rest in 4 seconds?

Assuming the object is falling under gravity, it will fall approximately 78.4 meters in 4 seconds. This is based on the formula: distance = 0.5 x acceleration due to gravity x time squared.

What is speed of a freely falling object ten seconds after starting from rest?

The speed of a freely falling object 10 seconds after starting from rest is approximately 98 m/s. This is because in free fall, the acceleration due to gravity is approximately 9.8 m/s^2, so after 10 seconds, the object would have reached a speed of 98 m/s.

What is the acceleration by a freely falling object 5 seconds after it is dropped from rest?

It depends if it is affected by air resistance or not. If not then all objects close to the surface of the Earth have an acceleration of 9.81ms^-2 in free fall. If it is affected by air resistance you need all sorts of more information to answer that question, like the drag coefficient of the air.

An 8 kg mass is in free fall What is the velocity of the mass after 9 seconds?

The velocity of an object in free fall can be calculated using the equation v = gt, where g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2). Plugging in the values, we get v = 9.8 m/s^2 * 9 s = 88.2 m/s. Therefore, the velocity of the 8 kg mass after 9 seconds is 88.2 m/s.

Ten seconds after starting from rest a free falling oblect speed ms?

After 10 seconds of free fall from rest, an object's speed will be approximately 100 m/s. This is because the acceleration due to gravity is approximately 10 m/s^2, so after 10 seconds, the object will have reached a speed of 100 m/s.