

Best Answer

We must neglect air resistance, since we don't know anything about the size

or shape of the object that would allow us to calculate air resistance, and also

because even if we had all the data we would not have a clue how to use it to

calculate air resistance.

We'll also assume that this experiment is conducted on or near the Earth's

surface, so that the acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2 .

-- In 10 seconds, the object's downward speed will increase by 98 m/s , and it

will be falling at (98 + 25) = 123 m/s .

-- Its average speed during the 10 seconds is 1/2 of (25 + 123) = 74 m/s .

-- In 10 seconds, at an average speed of 74 m/s , it covers 740 meters.

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Q: How far will an object fall in 10 seconds when thrown downward at an initial velocity of 25 meters per second?
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the answer is 24-9 m/sec. yuor welcome

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