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12 miles per minute - if you can maintain that speed steadily.

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Q: How fast do you have to run for a 5 minute mile?
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What percentage of people can run 6 minute mile?

Approximately 0.1% of the population can run a 6-minute mile. This time is considered very fast and requires a high level of physical fitness and training.

5 minute mile?

You can run a 5-minute mile if you maintain a pace of 12 miles per hour.

How fast do you have to run in MPH to run a 5 minute mile?

The person's pace was 6 mph or 10 minutes per mile.

How fast should i run a mile im 14 and my pr is 520?

you are slow, I ran a 5:03 mile last year when I was ELEVEN. When you are 14 for you, you should run around a 15 minute mile. :) happy running(:

How fast in mph is a 5 minute mile?

it is 50 mph

How fast do you have to run in mph to run a 5 minute 20 second mile?

You would have to maintain an average speed of 11.25 mph over the total distance of the race to achieve that time.

How fast can you run a 40 yard dash if you run a 5 minute 30 second mile?

The answer depends on if you are better at pace running (distance) or sprinting. For example a friend of mine runs a slower mile, but she is the fastest female sprinter in our class.

Is 8 min miles fast for a 5 mile run?

Well, the average is 10 minutes for 1 mile, so... if you take 8 minutes to run 5 miles... That's really fast.

How fast are you going if you go 1 mile in 50 seconds?

well, if you were going 1 mile in 60 sec. you would be going 1 mile per minute. or, in this case, you would be going 5/6 of a mile per minute. (MPM, or miles per minute.)

How many laps in a 25 meter pool would equal the same effort not distance in running a mile which is much easier than swimming a mile what would your estimate be for a mile swim to equal a mile run?

It so much depends on how fast you run and how fast you swim and what type of stroke, and your weight. But roughly, say you run a 10 minute mile you burn 100 calories; say you swim 12 laps (300 meters) in 10 minutes you burn about the same 100 calories. A mile is 1600 meters, so a mile swim is a about a 5 mile run. Or 12 laps is about a mile run

How fast is a 5 minute mile?

5 minutes is 0.083 hours (5/60) so 1 mile divided by 0.083 hours is an average speed of 12 miles an hour.

How long does it take the average person to run 1 mile?

i can run a 5:43 and im in 9th grade girl... but all my friends are fit and they run about a 7 or 8 minute mile... i think the average mile time for a girl my age is about an 8 minute mile. if anyone disagrees then so be it im not a scientist... just a person. everyone can give their opion