1000 meters in 60.6 seconds = 36.91 mph
Wow, 3 miles per second is running fast. At 1609.34 meters per mile, this converts to 4828.02 meters per second. Since 5 minutes is 300 seconds,this means you would run 1448406 meters in that time.
5.3 seconds for 100 yards.
To find the speed, first convert 7 minutes and 35 seconds to seconds only (455 seconds total). Then, divide the distance (2000 meters) by the time (455 seconds) to get the speed: 2000 meters / 455 seconds = 4.40 meters per second.
1000 meters in 60.6 seconds = 36.91 mph
900 meters/30 seconds = 30 meters/second
6 seconds
0.57 seconds
2.5 seconds
both are just as fast although the one going 10 meters in five seconds is probably accelerating faster...
Without stop should take about 8 minutes for a beginner unless he or she is pretty fast. Say 6 - 8 minutes?
12.6 seconds, walcott runs in 10.3 seconds
This fast I think that was 4 minutes. or maybe .24 seconds