100 meters/15.2 seconds 100 meters = 0.0621371192 miles 15.2 seconds = 0.00422222222 hours 100 m/15.2s = 14.7166861 mph average
Distance = speed x time. However, no car will move that fast.
To calculate the speed at which you traveled, we need to determine the time it took for you to travel the distance between the two locations. Given that you traveled 90 meters in 45 seconds, we can use the formula speed = distance/time. Therefore, your speed would be 90 meters / 45 seconds = 2 meters per second.
0.5 (meters / second) = 1.8 kph
both are just as fast although the one going 10 meters in five seconds is probably accelerating faster...
Only for a few seconds. If a cheetah ran that fast for a long time it would overheat and die!
A cheetah can run the 100 metres in 3.33 seconds.
That would be 28 meters per second. Wow that's fast. That's 62.63 miles per hour.
Yes a cheetah can rush 110kph but only a few seconds at a time
100 meters/9 seconds = 40 kilometers per hour = 24.85 miles per hour (rounded)
between 55.4mph.- 89.4
20 meters per second
This does not make sense. Meters squared is a unit of area, not distance.
The idea is to divide the distance by the time.
1000 meters in 60.6 seconds = 36.91 mph