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You add up sums at the check out and you add up the discounts.

Fortunately, this is all done with a calculator inserted into

the checkout computer.

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Q: How is math used in shop keeping?
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Keeping goals

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Well, basically you are moving a figure over keeping the figure the sameExample: F -> FI just used a slide to move the F over a space, keeping everything else the same.

How business incorporated with math?

If u work at a shop u have to do the change! THATS MATH

Does a janitor use math?

Yes. just because the person is a janitor doesn't mean that they don't use math. They shop, sleep, and count how many more bathrooms are left to clean. Math is used everyday, all day whether you count or not.

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You beat it.

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A sub branch of pharmacology is called Posology in which we do the adjustment of dose. So for the calculation of dose a lil bit math is invlove in keeping conversion of grams into mili gram, mili litter etc

How is math used in the airforce?

Here are a few examples: -- Math is used to calculate the length of runway required to land a fully loaded C5A Galaxy cargo craft with a 10 knot headwind. -- Math is used to calculate the amount to be withheld from an airman's paycheck for income tax and social security. -- Math is used by the NCO Club's Sergeant at Arms to decide after how many drinks he should start keeping an eye on the Staff Sergeant at the corner table.

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not the kid who jacks off in math class and in the barber shop not the kid who jacks off in math class and in the barber shop

How is math used in everday life?

You may need it if you work in a shop or if your out shopping you may want to find the price say if you need to find how much 20% off of $70 is if you now math well you can work it out (:

How is math related to writing?

If you want to be an author, but don't know how writing is related to math- Keeping track of how many pages you are writing, or even, writing a math book.