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Higher math such as calculus and physics are used to calculate to force of the water on the dam, and simple geometry and algebra are used to find the dimensions of the dam.

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Q: How is maths used in making of dams?
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What are dams in Japan used for?

Making Chocolate To attack people

How is math used to make monuments?

Maths is used in making monuments because for making it we need to apply mensuration.

What were ancient dams used for?

The same thing modern dams are used for. To hold back water.

IS hydro electric power used in dams?

Dams can be used to produce hydro electric power

What is water mainly used for in nz?

electricity dams/hydro dams

How is maths is used in other subject?

This is a very short answer, but it tells you the basics. Maths is used in science; in science, you measure amounts. Maths is used in history; you use dates. Maths is also used in geography; in geography you count population and take measurements. Maths is used in music as well; you count the beats, multiply the beats and arrange them. There are many other uses of maths in these subjects, if you don't constrain yourself to thinking that maths is STRICTLY hard arithmetic and algebraic problems you will see that maths is in everything you do. From cooking, to breathing, maths is everywhere.

Where is maths used in the world?

Everywhere everyday you use maths for

What eats the delta smelt?

Delta smelt are not being eaten. The dams California's making are sucking the fish into the grinding part of the dams and are grinding them into pieces.

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Which form of energy is used to tap at dams?

Potential energy is used to tap at dams. The energy is stored due to the height of the dam.

When are modals used?

It is used to do maths

How did Chinese people try to control flooding of a major river?

by making dams