ThePythagorean theorem only applys toright triangles. It's derived from the two legs and the hypotenuse (the longest side on the opposite of the Right angle), and is written as: a squared + b squared = c squared and then you simplify.
10% inspiration and 90% perspiration
Pythagorean theorum.
Pyhthagoras was a guy who had a theorum!
Binomial Theorum
He choked on a piece of pie...
cuz of pythagoris
10% inspiration and 90% perspiration
Pythagorean theorum.
Pyhthagoras was a guy who had a theorum!
the pythagorean theorum
Pythagorean Theorum
Sheer brain powerapply pythagorus theorum.
James A. Garfield
Binomial Theorum
Yes, the theorum still has merit.