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Q: How is spectrum produced in a prism?
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What is the middle colour of spectrum by the prism?

The middle color of the spectrum produced by a prism is green. This occurs between the colors of blue and yellow.

Which type of spectrum is produced when light from the sun passes through a prism?

A continuous spectrum is produced when light from the sun passes through a prism. This spectrum contains all the colors of the visible light spectrum seamlessly blended together.

What is a continues spectrum?

A continuous spectrum shows all of the colors produced when white light passes through a prism.

Why light beam passes through hollow prism gives no spectrum?

When a light beam passes through a hollow prism, it does not refract as it would in a solid prism. Since refraction is essential for the dispersion of light into a spectrum, the absence of refraction in a hollow prism results in no spectrum being produced.

Which type of spectrum is produced when white light from the Sun passes through a prism?

A continuous spectrum is produced when white light from the Sun passes through a prism. This spectrum contains all the colors of the rainbow without any distinct lines or bands.

What type of spectrum is produced when the light emitted directly from a hot dense object passes through a prism?

A continuous spectrum is produced when light emitted directly from a hot dense object passes through a prism. This spectrum shows a rainbow of colors with no distinct lines, indicating that all wavelengths of light are present. This type of spectrum is characteristic of a blackbody radiation emission.

How can you make a spectrum?

you get a prism glass block and a thin ray of light shining onto the prism and rotate the prism till you see the spectrum

What colours in order of a spectrum are produced by a prism?

When white light passes through a prism, it is refracted and separated into its component colors, forming a spectrum from red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, to violet (ROYGBIV). Each color has a specific wavelength and frequency.

What simple device uses diffraction to produce a better spectrum than a prism can be produced?

A diffraction grating is a simple device that uses diffraction to produce a better spectrum than a prism. Diffraction gratings consist of closely spaced parallel slits or grooves that cause light to diffract at different angles, resulting in a more detailed and accurate spectrum compared to a prism.

What simple device uses diffraction to produce a better spectrum than a prism can produce?

A diffraction grating does.

Why is prism spectrum more intense than grating spectrum?

A prism typically produces a more intense spectrum than a grating because it does not disperse the light as much, leading to higher light concentration on each wavelength. Additionally, prisms typically have higher efficiency compared to gratings in separating light into its spectral components, further contributing to the intensity of the spectrum produced.

Shape tha produces spectrum of colours?

prism prism