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When you formulate and test a statistical hypothesis, you compute a test statistic (a numerical value using a formula depending on the test). If the test statistic falls in the critical region, it leads us to reject our hypothesis. If it does not fall in the critical region, we do not reject our hypothesis. The critical region is a numerical interval.

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Q: How is the critical region utilized in hypothesis testing?
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When can a null hypothesis be rejected?

Usually when the test statistic is in the critical region.

How do you know if you have enough information to draw an hypothesis test in statistics?

You can test a hypothesis with very little information. For hypothesis testing you will have a null hypothesis, and alternative and some test statistic. The hypothesis test consists of checking whether or not the test statistic lies in the critical region. If it does, then you reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative. The default option is to stick with the null hypothesis.If the number of observations is very small then the critical region is so small that you have virtually no chance of rejecting the null: you will default to accepting it.Different test have different powers and these depend on the underlying distribution of the variable being tested as well as the sample size.

If Relationship between statistical significance and rejectingaccepting an hypothesis?

I believe you asked for the relationship between "statistical significance" and hypothesis testing. In hypothesis testing, we state the null and alternative hypothesis, then in the traditional method, we use a test statistic and a significance level, alpha, to decide whether to accept or reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative. If our test statistic falls in the reject area (critical region) of the sampling distribution, then we reject the null hypothesis. If not, we accept it. There is the second method, the p-value method, which is similar in that an alpha value has to be selected. Now, the term "statistical significant result", as used in statistics, means a result (mean value, proportion or variance) from a random sample was not likely to be produced by chance. When we reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative, we indicate our data supports an alternative hypothesis, so our result is "statistically significant." Let me use an example. Generally workers arrive at work a few minutes more or less than required. Our null hypothesis will be an average lateness of 5 minutes, and our alternative hypothesis will be greater than 5 minutes. Our data shows an average lateness of 12 minutes, and our test statistic, taking into account the variance and sample size, and our chosen alpha level, concludes that we reject the null hypothesis, so the 12 minute average is a significantly significant result because it supported rejection of the hypothesis. The problem is that significant, in common usage, means important or meaningful, not trivial or spurious. The sample used to calculate late time may have been not randomly chosen, more people come to work late in bad weather. The sample is to make inferences on the a general population, but there is no static population in this case, as a company hires and fires employees. So, since our data is flawed, so can our conclusions. Used as a technical term in statistics, statistical significance has a much more rigorous and restricted meaning, which can lead to confusion. See:

What is the rejection region and how does it relate to Z score and the p value?

The rejection region for a hypothesis is the set of values such that if the null hypothesis is true, then the probability of observing a value for the test statistic (the z-score) for a random variable that may be assumed to have a Normal distribution, is at least as great as the value actually observed is less than by chance. The latter is an arbitrarily selected value called the p-value - often 5% or 1%.Note that z-scores may be used only if the random variable is approximately Normally distributed - not otherwise.

A measure of the size of a surface or a region?

The answer is Scientific Methods, an order in steps in which scientists take to test their hypothesesThe steps to the scientific method as it is today.) Ask a scientific question. ・) Make observations. ・) Gather information. ・) Form a Hypothesis. ・) Collect Data. ・) Analyze Data. ・) Draw a conclusion.

Related questions

Is the critical region the values of the test statistics for which the null hypothesis will reject?

The null hypothesis will not reject - it is a hypothesis and is not capable of rejecting anything. The critical region consists of the values of the test statistic where YOU will reject the null hypothesis in favour of the expressed alternative hypothesis.

How do you perform a Statistical Hypothesis Testing?

To start with you select your hypothesis and its opposite: the null and alternative hypotheses. You select a confidence level (alpha %), which is the probability that your testing procedure rejects the null hypothesis when, if fact, it is true.Next you select a test statistic and calculate its probability distribution under the two hypotheses. You then find the possible values of the test statistic which, if the null hypothesis were true, would only occur alpha % of the times. This is called the critical region.Carry out the trial and collect data. Calculate the value of the test statistic. If it lies in the critical region then you reject the null hypothesis and go with the alternative hypothesis. If the test statistic does not lie in the critical region then you have no evidence to reject the null hypothesis.

When can a null hypothesis be rejected?

Usually when the test statistic is in the critical region.

How do you know if you have enough information to draw an hypothesis test in statistics?

You can test a hypothesis with very little information. For hypothesis testing you will have a null hypothesis, and alternative and some test statistic. The hypothesis test consists of checking whether or not the test statistic lies in the critical region. If it does, then you reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative. The default option is to stick with the null hypothesis.If the number of observations is very small then the critical region is so small that you have virtually no chance of rejecting the null: you will default to accepting it.Different test have different powers and these depend on the underlying distribution of the variable being tested as well as the sample size.

What is the meanings of non critical region in statistics?

Every possible experimental outcome results in a value of the test statistic. The non-critical region is the collection of test statistic values that are associated with acceptance of the null hypothesis.

What is the reason of a null hypothesis being rejected?

W The test statistic is is the critical region or it exceeds the critical level. What this means is that there is a very low probability (less than the critical level) that the test statistics could have attained a value as extreme (or more extreme) if the null hypothesis were true. In simpler terms, if the null hypothesis were true you are very, very unlikely to get such an extreme value for the test statistic. And although it is possible that this happened purely by chance, it is more likely that the null hypothesis was wrong and so you reject it.

.01 criterion of significance what is the percent type you error?

I believe you are asking about hypothesis testing, where we choose an alpha value, (also called a signifance level). Thus, I will rephrase your question as follows: If I choose an alpha value of 0.01, what percent of time do you expect the come to an erroneous conclusion, that is test statistic to fall out of the critical region yet the null hypothesis is true? The answer is 1% of the time, an incorrect rejection of the null hypotheis, which is a type I error.

What is critical region in os?

Critical region is a part of a program that must complete execution before other processes can have access to the resources being used. Processes within a critical region can't be interleaved without threatening integrity of the operation.

If the alpha level is increased from alpha 01 to alpha 05 what happens to the size of the critical region?

If the alpha level is increased from 0.01 to 0.05, the size of the critical region expands. This means that it becomes more likely to reject the null hypothesis and make a Type I error. Increasing the alpha level makes the test more liberal and increases the chances of detecting a significant result when one may not truly exist.

What is the critical z value thst corresponds to a confidence level of 88 percent?

The answer will depend on whether the critical region is one-tailed or two-tailed.

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A galley is a type of ship that is propelled by rowers. The galley originated in the Mediterranean region and is utilized for warfare, trade and piracy.

Difference between acceptance and rejection region?

Some researchers say that a hypothesis test can have one of two outcomes: you accept the null hypothesis or you reject the null hypothesis. Many statisticians, however, take issue with the notion of "accepting the null hypothesis." Instead, they say: you reject the null hypothesis or you fail to reject the null hypothesis. Why the distinction between "acceptance" and "failure to reject?" Acceptance implies that the null hypothesis is true. Failure to reject implies that the data are not sufficiently persuasive for us to prefer the alternative hypothesis over the null hypothesis.