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If X is a discrete variable then

E(X) is the sum of x*Prob(X = x) where the summation is over all possible values of x.

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Q: How is the expected outcome determined in a discrete distribution?
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What does uniform probability mean in math?

Uniform probability can refer to a discrete probability distribution for which each outcome has the same probability. For a continuous distribution, it requires that the probability of the outcome is directly proportional to the range of values in the desired outcome (compared to the total range).

What does uniform mean in math?

Uniform probability can refer to a discrete probability distribution for which each outcome has the same probability. For a continuous distribution, it requires that the probability of the outcome is directly proportional to the range of values in the desired outcome (compared to the total range).

The expected value is what kind of aspect of how probability distribution is characterized?

Expected value is the outcome of confidence of how probability distribution is characterized. If the expected value is greater than the confidence interval then the results are significant.

What is the expected outcome of a hypothesis?

what is expected is to see if the outcome of the factor increases or decreses

How do you construct a probability distribution?

First decide whether the event space is discrete or continuous.For a discrete event space, for each outcome in the space assign a probability: a number in the interval [0, 1] such that the sum of probabilities for all outcomes is 1. The mapping from the event space to the probabilities is the probability distribution function.The procedure for a continuous event space is analogous: the sum is replaced by the integral.

Related questions

What does uniform probability mean in math?

Uniform probability can refer to a discrete probability distribution for which each outcome has the same probability. For a continuous distribution, it requires that the probability of the outcome is directly proportional to the range of values in the desired outcome (compared to the total range).

What does uniform mean in math?

Uniform probability can refer to a discrete probability distribution for which each outcome has the same probability. For a continuous distribution, it requires that the probability of the outcome is directly proportional to the range of values in the desired outcome (compared to the total range).

The expected value is what kind of aspect of how probability distribution is characterized?

Expected value is the outcome of confidence of how probability distribution is characterized. If the expected value is greater than the confidence interval then the results are significant.

What is the expected outcome of a hypothesis?

what is expected is to see if the outcome of the factor increases or decreses

What is expected outcome mean for a science fair?

what does expected outcome mean for a science fair

How do you construct a probability distribution?

First decide whether the event space is discrete or continuous.For a discrete event space, for each outcome in the space assign a probability: a number in the interval [0, 1] such that the sum of probabilities for all outcomes is 1. The mapping from the event space to the probabilities is the probability distribution function.The procedure for a continuous event space is analogous: the sum is replaced by the integral.

What is the expected outcome from investing in the stock market?

The expected outcome is Profit. But, the actual outcome may be different if the stock selected was poor.

What is the shape of the binomial probability distribution in rolling a die?

The distribution depends on what the variable is. If the key outcome is the number on the top of the die, the distribution in multinomial (6-valued), not binomial. If the key outcome is the number of primes, composite or neither, the distribution is trinomial. If the key outcome is the number of sixes, the distribution is binomial with unequal probabilities of success and failure. If the key outcome is odd or even the distribution is binomial with equal probabilities for the two outcomes. Thus, depending on the outcome of interest the distribution may or may not be binomial and, even when it is binomial, it can have different parameters and therefore different shapes.

What is the sum of the probabilities of each outcome multiplied by the outcome value?

expected value

What does a foregone conclusion mean?

A foregone conclusion refers to an outcome that is anticipated or expected to happen based on the circumstances or evidence available. It suggests that the result is already determined or inevitable before it actually occurs.

Which standard of equality is most concerned with the distribution of resources?

The equality of outcome is the standard of equality that is most concerned with the distribution of resources. Equality of outcome is used regularly in politics.

Differnece between typical and atypical?

Typical is an expected outcome; atypical would be an unexpected outcome.