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Whenever you have two variables that are in inverse proportion to one another.

For example, average speed is inversely related to the time taken for a journey of fixed distance. The slower you go, the longer the journey will take. Every time you see a bunch of drivers fuming at their wheels in a traffic jam, many are probably thinking hyperbola - even if most would not be able to describe one!

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Q: How is the hyperbola used in real life?
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Show me a real life hyperbolas application?

The arc of a football when it is kicked is a hyperbola. The arch of a water spout from a hose. Some think the gateway arch is a hyperbola but it is a centenary arch which is close but just a little different.

What are some real world examples of conic sections?

Hyperbola = sundial Ellipse = football

What do you called to the graph of a cubic function?

hyperbola * * * * * A hyperbola is not a cubic function. A cubic function is of the form y = ax3 + bx2 + cx + d where a, b, c and d are real constants and a is not 0. A hyperbola is a functon of the form y = 1/x : quite different.

What are the followings-hyberbola-asymptotes of hyperbola-centre of hyperbola-conjugated diameter of hyperbola-diameter of hyperbola-directrices of hyperbola-eccentricity of hyperbola?

Asymptotes are the guidelines that a hyperbola follows. They form an X and the hyperbola always gets closer to them but never touches them. If the transverse axis of your hyperbola is horizontal, the slopes of your asymptotes are + or - b/a. If the transverse axis is vertical, the slopes are + or - a/b. The center of a hyperbola is (h,k). I don't know what the rest of your questions are, though.

What are the application of hyperbola in daily life?

focal lenses, LORAN (Long range Navigation)

What is the definition and equation of rectangular hyperbola?

Defn: A hyperbola is said to be a rectangular hyperbola if its asymptotes are at right angles. Std Eqn: The standard rectangular hyperbola xy = c2

Are proportions used in real life?

Proportions are used in real life to determine prices of things.

How many foci does the graph of a hyperbola have?

Two foci's are found on a hyperbola graph.

What are the slopes of the hyperbola's asymptotes?

If a hyperbola is vertical, the asymptotes have a slope of m = +- a/b. If a hyperbola is horizontal, the asymptotes have a slope of m = +- b/a.

There is a relationship between the denominators in the hyperbola's equation and the equations for the hyperbola's?


There is a relationship between the in the hyperbola's equation and the equations for the hyperbola's asymptotes?


How are opposites and reciprocals used in real life situations?

Believe it or not, school is a real life situation. If you are using it in school it real life for you.