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Q: How likely is it that the spinner will land on the blue space?
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In 100 spins how many times would you expect the spinner to land on blue?


If a spinner having 2 colors red and blue is spun twice what is the possible outcome?

it will land on red once and it will land on blue once aswell

What is the probabilility that the spinner will land on six?

The probability that the spinner will land on six depends on how many numbers are on the spinner. If the spinner is only 1 through 6, then there is a 16.67% probability that the spinner will land on six with each spin.

What is the probability that the spinner and number cube both land on 2?

That would depend on how many numbers are on the spinner and the cube. The more numbers there are, the less likely it is that they would both land an any given number.

What is the probability that the spinner will land 5?

The answer depends on the shape of the spinner and the numbers on it.

A spinner lands on blue 4 times for every 6 times it lands on green how many times does it land on green if it lands on blue 12 times?


How many possible outcomes are there when you toss a coin and spin the pointer on a spinner with 5 colors?

There are 10 possibilities. For every space on the spinner you land on, there are two other outcomes (heads and tails). Say the colors are Blue, Green, Yellow, Red, and Purple. Here would be the final outcomes. Blue - heads or tails Green - heads or tails Yellow - heads or tails Red - heads or tails Purple - heads or tails

If you spin the spinner two times what is the probability that the spinner will land on the black region twice?

4 of 4

What is the probability that the spinner will land on the number 1?

It is the proportion of the spinner's perimeter that is occupied by the section (or sections) with a value of 1.

What is he probability that a spinner will land on A if there are two A's on the spinner?

It depends on how many other positions are on the spinner. The question, as asked, cannot be answered. Please restate the question, giving also the total number of positions on the spinner.

If you spin this spinner 36 times how many times would you expect it to land on 2?

The answer depends on the number of sides on the spinner and how they are numbered.

Why does the earth look blue when you see from space?

It's the water, and the green is land.