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Q: How long does it take for calculus to form on your teeth?
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How long does it take for your permaent teeth when you get your baby teeth go away?

a long time.

How long does it take for westies teeth to grow in?

it takes about a month, give or take a week, for there teeth to come in.

How long does it take for food to spoil your teeth?

If food particles remain in the teeth , it can spoil your teeth quickly.

What math classes do seniors take?

Calculus or AP Calculus

Is it better for baby teeth to take longer to show?

No because if you do they will not loose there baby teeth in get there adult is going to take Long to get the adult teeth

Where can one take a calculus course?

One can take a calculus course online at sites such as ProjectPolymath and StraigherLine, but one can also take a course in Calculus by going to a University (College) such as Macalester.

Should you take advanced math before calculus?

No. College Algebra and Precalculus (or Trigonometry) are enough preparation to take Calculus.

How long does it take for the dentist to take 2 Milk teeth out?

half hour approx

How long does it take to get a baby bunny to get teeth?

Baby bunnies are born with teeth already developed. Their milk teeth will start to emerge at around 2 to 3 weeks old. By the time they are 3 to 4 weeks old, they will have a full set of teeth.

I've had all my teeth removed in the top, i just need two teeth that was broken by another dentist removed and an upper partial. how long will this take?

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How long will it take for my child's two front teeth to grow back?

For your child's two front teeth to grow back, it will likely take about a month. This depends on how close the teeth are to growing in, though.

What do you do if your guinea pigs teeth are to long?

Take it to the guinea pig dentist