1.85 km is 1 nautical mile is about 1.85 km thus 60 km is about 32.4 nautical miles. Divide that by 5 and it is about 6 and a half hours.
1 knot = 1 nautical mile per hourtime = distance ÷ speed= 2110 nautical miles / 10 nautical miles/hour= 211 hours= 8 days 19 hours.As 1 knot is 1 nautical mile per hour: a unit of speed, 1 knot per hour would be a rate of change of speed, ie an acceleration.
It depends on the speed of the boat you know miles per hour
1 nautical mile = 1.852 kilometers
1 knot = 1 nautical mile per hour time = distance ÷ speed = 948 nmi ÷ 20 kn = 47.4 hours
1.85 km is 1 nautical mile is about 1.85 km thus 60 km is about 32.4 nautical miles. Divide that by 5 and it is about 6 and a half hours.
A nautical mile is 1.1 land miles.
1 knot = 1 nautical mile per hourtime = distance ÷ speed= 2110 nautical miles / 10 nautical miles/hour= 211 hours= 8 days 19 hours.As 1 knot is 1 nautical mile per hour: a unit of speed, 1 knot per hour would be a rate of change of speed, ie an acceleration.
It depends on the speed of the boat you know miles per hour
1 nautical mile = 1.852 kilometers
A statute mile is used as the imperial measurement primarily in the USA and UK for land based distances. The statue mile equates to 1609.3 metres to one decimal place. The nautical mile, as the name suggests, is the predominant unit of measurement in the maritime world e.g. sea travel, air travel. The nautical mile equates to exactly 1852 metres. Thus, 1 nautical mile = 1.1508 statute miles
a nautical mile is 1.852 km and a mile is (statute)1.609344 km so a mile is bigger than a nautical mile
The speed of one nautical mile per hour is called one knot. So a knot can be considered a nautical mile
1 knot = 1 nautical mile per hour time = distance ÷ speed = 948 nmi ÷ 20 kn = 47.4 hours
A nautical miles = 1.852 kilometers
There are 6,076 feet in a nautical mile.
1 nautical mile = 1.85200 kilometers 1 nautical mile = 1.15077945 mile