10 mins
1 hour 14 minutes.
4 mi / 30 MPH = .13 hr = 8 minutes.
2 hours 23 mins
73 / A = hours of travel time
At 30mph you are doing a mile every 2 minutes thereore to do 5.5 miles would take 11 minutes
10 mins
1 hour 14 minutes.
A Resident Orca can travel between 8mph and 30mph but can only travel at fast speeds for a short period of time. On average, it would take a Resident Orca 2.5 days to travel 189 miles at a rate of 75 miles per day.
Traveling 30 miles in 1 hour, it takes 100/30 hours or 3 hours 20 minutes to travel 100 miles.
24 minutes
4 mi / 30 MPH = .13 hr = 8 minutes.
Well it should take 50 minutes to drive 25 miles.
2 hours 23 mins
73 / A = hours of travel time
It would take 0.5033... (repeating) hours.
it depends how fast you travel. if you travel at 600 mph {miles per hour} it would take you 1 hour